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Consistency - The Definition of YOU

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Consistency - The Definition of YOU

We’ve all heard that consistency is the key to accomplishing goals and achieving success. Consistency in behaviors, be they beneficial to you or not, define you and where you apply your time and energy. Developing consistency is tough because it requires commitment to a task, practice, ideal, and way of being that sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. In essence, consistency is a key component of any high performer and not only in one area of their lives; this is the blanket action that moves one’s ideas and vision into practice and fruition, and ultimately, success!

Consistency is the #1 characteristic of high performers. They have the ability to achieve results consistently.

- Kimberly Vrij, AG5

If you look at consistency as the fuel for your engine, you know this is something you need to continue moving. You fuel your car when it’s empty and this gives you the ability to keep going for an extended amount of time. Consistency works in the same way, providing you with the ability to continue working towards a specific goal. Keep your inner engine refueled and there’s no end to where you can go and what you can accomplish!

Where We Get Stuck

Where most of us tend to get stuck on our journey is in a lack of discipline to keep the consistency going. We get derailed, lose momentum, take our eye of the road of long-term benefit, and look for the detour sign that says, “Short-term benefit – This way!”. Cutting corners, losing focus, and looking for the easy way out will only decrease your impact and take away from your overall mission.

Consider how our military trains. The routine of early mornings, countless push-ups and miles of running, going over how to respond in situations under extreme duress, and keeping a cool, level- headed mindset to save lives, our lives, and protect our freedom. Do you think these gentlemen and ladies take the detour sign towards short-term benefits? Absolutely not! Their discipline is at its highest because there is much at stake and taking short-cuts costs lives.

I’d imagine most of you are not in jobs where your short-cut decision or behavior is going to mean the loss of life, yet there is a loss, a loss of integrity, commitment, and value. Consistency in effort, results, and behaviors is part of what makes high performers, high performers. In his blog post, “On Leadership”, Travis Berger states that consistency in the aforementioned areas are the indicators of high performance and that by discovering the “right way” for you and your business to apply consistent behavior, results, and effort, your business and life will benefit greatly.

Implementing Consistency

Implementing consistency into your life requires commitment and being super clear on what you are committed to doing and who you’re committed to being. Consider where consistency may not be working for you in your life and business. Do you consistently put things off to tomorrow that can be done today? What is the constant chatter in your head that works against you, not for you?

Our consistent behaviors and actions define who we are and impact the people in our lives. When you align your consistent behaviors and actions with the person you strive to be you create momentum towards being that person and this provides stability for you and those who count on you every day. Your business partner, your significant other, your children, your family, and your business will either reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of your consistency.

Challenge Yourself

This week, look at where your consistent actions and behaviors either help or hinder you. By checking in with yourself and tuning up the areas that are lacking, you recommit to the commitment, you choose the road of long-term benefits, and you know that you can successfully complete your journey because you’ve fueled yourself with the consistency required to be a high performer. Remember to give yourself grace and love along the road and to keep moving forward in a manner that’s aligned with your highest self, thus providing the highest value you can offer.

I accumulated small but consistent habits that ultimately led to results that were unimaginable when I started.

- James Clear
Close up on shoe, Runner athlete feet running on road under sunlight in the morning.
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