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Key Elements of Trust

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Key Elements of Trust

Working alongside highly creative and motivated individuals has taught me much about supporting their needs and executing their goals, yet I also know that this would not be possible without one key element, trust. When you think about trust and how it applies to every relationship in life, it becomes clear that without trust, you have nothing, no foundation to build upon, and no way to go forward.

Who are your most trusted relationships? What are the common factors which produced such a powerful bond? In its’ truest essence, trust cannot exist without truth and truth must be at the forefront of every action, decision, communication, and most importantly, with yourself. There needs to be a willingness, by both parties, to make an agreement that honesty will be the non- negotiable aspect of any relationship, be it professional or personal, because without trust, the basis is tainted, flawed, and false.

Trusting someone takes time because it is something you build. Beginning any new relationship is like a dance of opening and allowing, then taking a step to the side and determining if your partner is holding that space as sacred, or allowing others to cut in? When you are choosing the right partner and creating these steps over and over, you begin to see how the choreography comes together, you begin to move in unison, and unspoken communication steps in, because you KNOW which way you’re going, and your partner will meet you there.

Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.

- Santosh Kalwar

Another key element to trust is respect, a component which requires time and deep understanding of one another. Think about the people in your life who you respect and why you respect them. Is it because they’re older? More talented? Drive a nicer car? Has the right zip code? NO! Respect is earned by the intentional actions you take, how you treat yourself, and how you treat others. Respect is what builds a team, a home, a business, and a partnership, and calls each participant to a higher version of themselves. When you respect someone, you do not want to let them down, you want to bring honor and honesty to your relationship, which in turn creates and builds trust.

So, take time this week and notice where you place your trust and with whom. Is this a mutual exchange? Who trusts you? And why? When you notice that YOU are the key component to your strongest relationships, you can then begin to ask the hard questions of how am I showing up and where can I be better? You’ll thank you, your business partner will thank you, your spouse will thank you, the world will thank you, because without trust we cannot build meaningful connection, and without meaningful connection, why are we here?

If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.

- Maya Angelou
Two swarms of bees making a bridge between them with their bodies
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