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Believing in YOU!

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Believing in YOU!

'Tis the season for belief!

I was reminded of the power of believing while re-watching a long-time holiday favorite with my now grown daughters – The Polar Express! It took me back to a time when I believed in the stories of Santa Clause and when my daughters harnessed that same magic and bought into the notion of a fat man who came down our chimney, ate our cookies, left presents, and stuffed stockings. As ridiculous as it sounded, we (children) believed this to be true and wanted nothing more than to live in the space of magic and belief, because it felt good, and we could hear the bell ring.

Just like in the movie, all it takes is belief to hear the celestial sounds of the bell, no matter how old you are. Believing in the larger concept of Christmas allows for that magic to flow into your life, to be seen, and to be heard. Where are you hearing this bell in your life and business? Where is disbelief creeping in and seeking to destroy your beliefs sound?

Believing in Business

Believing is not something I hear in conversation, floating around at networking events, or discussed in meetings. The assumption is that if you are an entrepreneur, you have belief in yourself, your product, your service, and your people. But when we fact check ourselves on all levels we engage in with our businesses, I’d venture to guess there is a lack of belief in one or more components.

In an article by Forbes.com, author Trish Blackwell speaks to creating intentional thoughts to identify breakdowns in any part of your business and pinpoint the gap. What does this look like? Identify the main goal, break it down into steps, formulate a belief statement around each, and see yourself accomplishing the goal. Blackwell further encourages us to write down our intentional thoughts and place them where they can be seen. The more receptive the thought, the more believable it is.

Once you’ve created your intentional thoughts you can then build a “belief ladder” to incrementally focus on each step towards each goal. As Blackwell explains, a belief ladder is simply smaller components of the main goal that are broken down and are therefore more digestible. This helps provide a path forward and create momentum.

Abundance Mentality

Our goals can then be ran through another filter, one that revolves around the “steering wheel” of our lives, our mindset. Adopting an abundance mentality guides individuals in their pursuit of their dreams, without focusing on a self-imposed timeline. This, according to David Meltzer in “Believe In More Than Enough: Abundance Mentality in Business”, is what will propel a business to greatness through belief that there is enough business for you and everyone else, and to know that what you believe will determine what you receive.

Battling Limiting Beliefs

Battling limiting beliefs is a common struggle for most of us. We are all programmed with the knowledge and lessons from parents, teachers, peers, mentors, etc. and yet at some point in life, those beliefs get challenged and you create an updated list of beliefs that speak to who you are today, what you value and hold dear, and how you will bring your gifts forward into this world. This is where belief in self takes over and there is no stopping someone who 100% believes in what they are doing and who they are being; these individuals wake up and hear that bell every day.

So, as you slip away into the holiday parties, dinners with friends and families, colleague Happy Hour’s, and overall rush of the season, slow down briefly and consider what you and your business believe in, and more importantly, why?


What you believe drives what you do, and what you do determines what you achieve. What you believe either empowers you or it limits you.

- ZingTrain.com
Believe Christmas Tree Ornament
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