Double exposure abstract of sunset over a thoughtful young woman, closed eyes, chin on hand.

AIM Forward - Action - Intention - Momentum!

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Protecting Your Lifeforce Energy

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Protecting Your Lifeforce Energy

Most of us have tasks and people in our lives that can drain our energy and leave us feeling depleted. Learning how to manage your energy can provide sustainability, momentum, and positive outcomes.

Identify and Understand Energy Drains

One of the first steps you can take is to become aware of what drains your energy. For instance, I love bourbon! I enjoy its warmth, flavor, aroma, and the calming effect it provides at the end of a long day. However, if I push past my limit, I pay for it the next day in feelings of defeat and anger at myself. This knowledge that I could have been much more efficient had I stuck to my limit is difficult to face.

Adopt Healthy Practices for Lifeforce Energy

Energy is essential for progress, and daily responsibilities will always be present. So it's critical to adopt healthy practices to protect and enhance your energy. author Christina Reeves, suggests:

  • Acceptance: Surrender to what is and will be.
  • Awareness: Live consciously.
  • Let go of limiting beliefs: Remove distortions from your present.
  • Allow happiness: Recognize how emotions distance you from joy.
  • Treat thoughts and words as actions: They have energy and impact.
  • Overcome feelings of separateness: We share lifeforce energy and are never alone.
  • Celebrate emotional milestones: Shift from negative to positive emotional states.

Recognize the Power of Energy

All living things are powered by energy, which can either fuel you or deplete you. For instance, being around someone who is angry or resentful can drain you of your positivity, as you try to influence them out of that negative space. That's how powerful energy is. In fact, the energy in our bodies is so powerful that it can be used to power electronic devices.

The energy in our body by physiological processes is a thousand times greater than that required to power some small electronics.

  • Xudong Wang – Professor – Univ. of Wisconsin

Protect Your Energy with Practical Steps

So how can you protect your energy and ensure you have enough to take care of you and your life responsibilities?

Imagine an hourglass. . . . Each decision takes away a few grains of sand.

  • BetterUp – Wellbeing Blog – Madeline Miles – 2/8/2023

In this article, author Madeline Miles suggests the following:

  1. Find out what drains you.
  2. Give yourself downtime.
  3. Listen to how you're feeling.
  4. Limit distractions.
  5. Take necessary breaks.
  6. Control your schedule.
  7. Clean your space.
  8. Build a positive social circle.
  9. Don't look for perfection.
  10. Be grateful.

Seek Support When Needed

Understanding yourself and your habits can provide you with a clear path to identifying what can be eliminated, enhanced, and what no longer works for you. By working with an Executive Solutions Coach, you can pinpoint and identify these areas and receive the support you need to rid yourself of behaviors, actions, and tasks that no longer serve you. With this newfound knowledge, you can move forward in a way that protects your energy and places it in areas that will allow you to thrive!

Energy will do anything that can be done in the world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged animal a man without it.

  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
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