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Reclaiming Time

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Reclaiming Time

When I'm speaking with a potential new client, I ask a lot of questions to gain a better understanding of who they are and what they are experiencing. One of those questions is, "What is your biggest challenge?" Nine times out of ten, the answer I hear is "Time." Unlike money, time cannot be rebuilt or retrieved; it can only be spent. This makes it a commodity unlike any other, as we never know when it will run out and we can never get it back.

Where Are You Spending Your Time?

So, where are you spending your 168 hours each week? Taking into account that sleep is very important, and that, as an entrepreneur, you're most likely not getting the 56 hours of sleep per week that your body craves, you're more likely to be somewhere around 35 hours a week and wondering why you feel like you never stop.

Examine and Prioritize

What would it look like if you could reclaim your time in a manner that reduces your stress, increases your productivity, and allows for further expansion in all areas of your life? How does one do this? By closely examining where you're placing your efforts and getting very clear with yourself on what is and what is not necessary for you to handle. Most entrepreneurs have their pulse on all things related to their business(es) and, if the right people, processes, and procedures are not in place, can easily stretch themselves too far.

Where Do You Begin?

Where do you begin? With complete honesty about the areas of your life where too much time is spent and the areas where not enough time is spent, and then ask yourself, why? Why do I avoid that task? Why do I have extended lunches or Happy Hour's? What am I ultimately avoiding? If you can be open to self-inquiry without ego and pride, you can begin to see a pattern of what speaks to your zone of genius and what pulls you away from it. Then you can begin to ask yourself, who do I need in my business to help alleviate the things I prefer not to do?

Custom Support Systems

As an Executive Solutions Coach, my role is to do just that—decrease the areas which bog you down and increase your workflow by building an individualized system of support to ensure you're getting the most out of your precious time. This will look different for each client, yet the common denominator is the alleviation of hours spent at your computer setting and retaining client connections, completing projects that were started and left, and beginning the next big thing that you have yet to set time aside to do.

Once this system is in place, the feedback I receive from my clients is a feeling of knowing that the worry of "Is that (insert whatever task) handled?" is gone, because the answer is yes! It is handled in a manner that is reflective of you and your brand, handled by an individual who is trusted and professional, and handled efficiently and intentionally.

A Fresh Start for a New Year

As we close out 2023, consider your time and how it is spent. Maybe, just maybe, you would excel more quickly in 2024 knowing you have a supporter who frees up your most valuable commodity—TIME!

Time is really the only capital a human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.

- Thomas Edison
Serene administrative assistant in a peaceful home office, surrounded by plants and natural light, working on a laptop with a cup of coffee, generative ai
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