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Transcendence - Going Beyond Limitations

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Rebecca Sweeney

Founder and Executive Solutions Coach

Kreating Boldly, Inc.


Transcendence - Going Beyond Limitations

Transcendence: The act of rising above something to a superior state; to go beyond ordinary limitations.

A word that has come up a lot for me lately is transcendence. Whether it's been in conversation, reading a social media post, or in my tarot card deck, this word has made its way into my life at least four times in two weeks, which tells me it's time to take a closer look. So, here is some research and insight to gain a further understanding of transcendence and its power to change lives.

Different Perspectives on Transcendence

Transcendence is one of those buzzwords that, when said, can elicit a myriad of thoughts and feelings, which can range from acceptance to distaste. In acceptance, one can view the word, experience the thought it brings up, and then decide, "How can this be of benefit to me? What does thinking outside myself open that I hadn't considered before? Where am I not in alignment with my higher self/purpose?" If a distasteful feeling is arising within your body, once again, you have the option for inquiry. "What does this even mean to me? I'm a high performer and don't dabble in 'woo-woo' concepts. Transcendence doesn't apply to business; it belongs in a meditation room!"

Regardless of your mindset, think of transcendence as your vehicle to move quickly towards your vision by embracing the concept of possibility. When we do this, the unknown becomes far less scary and turns into excitement for what will be. So, where do you first begin to understand the implications of transcendence and then to implement that understanding into the self and into your business? Starting with the self, Positive Psychology author Courtney E. Ackerman, Ph.D. suggests the following:

  • Self-transcendence can empower business leaders and entrepreneurs to find purpose beyond their personal struggles, aligning their actions with a broader vision.
  • Self-transcendence is the realization that you're one small part of a greater whole.
  • Self-transcendence is other-focused instead of self-focused.

Once one has committed to shifting their mindset from self to others, the internal balance of purpose and action begins to align with the future self, the one whom you are creating each day with the small, intentional steps you take. According to Ackerman, these steps may look like this:

  1. A shift in focus from self to others.
  2. A shift in values.
  3. An increase in moral concern.
  4. Emotions of elevation.

Transcendence and Leadership

How does transcendence of self impact your leadership? In an article on Ivey's website, authors Gerard Sejts and Kimberly Young Milani offer many ways in which leaders tap into this elevated state and use it to create. Transcendent leaders draw inspiration from excellence, see possibility where others do not, demonstrate a high level of purpose in life, foster optimism, and release creativity. This has a huge implication when it comes to you and your company, more commonly known as your brand.

There are a few stand-out companies who have used this branding model and applied it to making their way into the lives of those they wish to enlist as customer or client. Both Disney and Apple are leaders in their own industries and have stood out by releasing creativity, thinking outside the box, and drawing inspiration from excellence. The key elements these two powerhouses have in common are as follows:

  • Innovation – Bringing forth something that has never been seen.
  • Lifestyle – Reflecting how their buyers see their lives.
  • Emotion – Representing core truths which bond you to your customer.
  • Differentiation – Transcendent brands stand by themselves (i.e. Google).

Transcendence - The Ultimate Differentiator

Creating and maintaining a transcendent self, culture, and brand for your business will set you apart from the herd and allow you to see your trueness, your unique approach, and your willingness to say, “Hell yeah, I am different, and that's &$#ing amazing!”

Now, let's check in with where this post began; gaining a further understanding of transcendence and the power it has to change your life. Do you believe this to be true? Are you willing to go beyond your own limitations and take a chance? Like with all things we attempt to create in our lives, the work always, and must, begin with you. Your willingness to stand apart from the crowd and create from a place of true clarity and surrender is where the path towards transcendence begins.

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